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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221275-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: USA
Location: Indiana,Madison
TC Begins: 02:10:22
TC Ends: 02:16:18
Duration: 00:05:56
WWII - 1943, USA Homefront: Midwestern Daily Life R 1 of 2 On leafy town of Madison, Indiana, on Ohio River, explaining its landmarks & people; details natural & architectural features resembling foreign scenes. CU shots of English tower, Italian campanile, Gothic doorway; Grecian column; Renaissance fountain; wider shots showing purpose of each building - furniture store, fire house, bank, kids playing in park. Various shots of immigrants & descendants of immigrants - Greek confectioner, Irish reporter, Dutch teacher, old German man, Italian family. High shots across town & main street. Statue of President James Madison. 02:13:18 Farm scenes - grape & tobacco harvest; farmer’s wife brings basket of eggs as truck is loaded for market. Market day in town square - vegetable seller. Main street, typical small town US stores. 02:14:44 Recreation montage: bowling alley, drinking at bar, playing pool, country dancing, playing checkers, queue at movie theater ticket booth. INT theatre cinema, audience inc. servicemen. 02:15:12 Drug store & soda fountain; diner - busy w/ people sitting at counter & tables. School orchestra giving concert. Sunday - people into church. INT church service, various different church buildings. Man on his way to go fishing greets man in suit who is going to church. CU man w/ hat fishing in boat. No dialogue. WWII USA Home Front; Pacifism; Democracy; 1940s Americana; Fire Station; Christian Religion; Ethnicity;