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WWII - British Africa Stories

Reel Number: 220501-34

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1942,1943

Country: Africa,Uganda

Location: GHana,Gold Coast, West AFrica,Uganda, East AFrica

TC Begins: 07:18:45

TC Ends: 07:21:35

Duration: 00:02:50

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Gold Coast, West Africa natives carrying burlap sacks / bags of cocoa beans for wartime use to produce soap; roasting beans, pouring melted beans, natives stirring, draining & filtering. 07:19:12 Slabs of soap sliced into bars & branded. 07:19:19 Uganda, East Africa, White Anglican Bishop greeting arriving young Ugandan prince Edward Frederick Mutesa II (became King 19Nov42 upon reaching 18th birthday, then first President of Uganda). European Governor in White Uniform w/ medals & feathers on hat salutes & enters Cathedral. 07:19:32 Christian Prince & military & religious officials parade in front of spectators. 07:19:39 Sitting on throne; natives wave sticks from in front of thatched building. Drummers. 07:19:50 East African troops board naval warship in Kenyan harbor; on deck & looking at ships guns. 07:20:10 Kenya naval reserves w/ signal flags; CUs. Drilling w/ rifles in village field. Receiving pay from British navy officers, acknowledging w/ thumbprints (MCU). 07:20:34 Former Governor General of Madagascar (Armand L. Annet?) arrives on British ship to internment. MCU looking unhappy. British troops on deck. 07:21:55 Camels kneeling in field, stand up w/ soldiers of British Somaliland Camel Corps; at attention & riding off. Dismount w/ rifles & run & firing from prone position. Brief but GOOD CU of camel. WWII; WW2; Colonialism; British Empire; 1940s; NOTE: If requested entire 07:18:38 - 07:26:44 sold at one reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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