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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221397-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: Louisiana,New Orleans
TC Begins: 15:36:49
TC Ends: 15:43:33
Duration: 00:06:44
Xavier University Outtakes 1940 Blacks at Catholic College, New Orleans, buildings. CU woman student, women typing at large typewriter; others in CU smiling; talking to camera (MOS). 15:37:45 Women students on benches & steps talking, reading. CU pretty girl. Choir being led by male conductor. Theater production staged. LIbrarian checking out books. Couples at formal dance waltzing seen from high angle. Women w/ flowers & corsages. Queen w/ wreath. 15:39:09 Ex-Olympic relay runner Ralph Metcalfe coaching track team, CU. talking to camera. Relay runners practicing exchanging batons. Shot put; high jumper; hurdles run in slow motion. Sprint & longer race. 15:40:29 Tennis practice. Tennis player talking to camera (MOS). 15:41:03 Art class & painting, sketching w/ pencil & charcoal. LIve model being painted. Catholic chapel & students praying. Students in chemistry science lab doing experiments. Instructor observing. 15:42:18 Home economics class; women students at stove stirring. Physics lab & experiments, taking notes. 15:43:01 Woman student at microscope, taking notes. Other women at microscopes. Man weighing w/ balance. Segregated Education; Religion;