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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221041-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970
Country: USA
Location: California,hermosa beach
TC Begins: 22:10:12
TC Ends: 22:19:21
Duration: 00:09:09
Pt 2 of 3 Dr Shiro “we will know what LSD does when the current generation of LSD users comes to autopsy...”. CU needle; Mark talks about moving on to methodrine shots and being caught w/ marijuana - psychedelic montage - police car down street. Interview w/ probation officer re Mark’s disrespect for authority. Father re deterioration in Mark’s physical appearance - on probation for three years - stuck at home w/ no marijuana “to ease the nothingness”. 22:14:32 Mark: “I’d take methadrine one night & LSD the next night and smoke opium and hash and weed and DMT mixed with weed, and pretty soon I started to think my mind was going, I was pretty paranoid”. Dr Shiro on Mark’s arrival barefoot in his office - having thoughts of suicide - “He wanted death”. 22:15:55 More talking heads: long haired young hippy guy - “Drugs are fun, drugs are really fun when you’re having fun but after a while when you take to many drugs they don’t get fun any more, y’know?” Others re paranoia. “Before people start taking drugs they should look into themselves”. 22:16:50 Dr Shiro “drugs must be combatted w/ pleasurable experiences”. Mark recalls realisation that he “needed God to help me” - montage w/ cross. Probation officer re surprise when Mark apologised for behavior after becoming born-again Christian. Mark reading Bible - “he wouldn’t leave the house without that Bible”. Mark at work on new job building house - hammering nails - distraction from drugs. Social Issues. Drug Abuse. 1960s. Hippies. Teenagers. Acid / Pot / Grass / Speed / Dope. Religion. Juvenile Delinquency / Delinquents ; Narcotics; Christian Films; Morality;