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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221679-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1956
Country: Italy,Vatican City
Location: Rome,Vatican
TC Begins: 16:39:41
TC Ends: 16:41:47
Duration: 00:02:06
1956 (?) - Catholic Stories: Pope & Crowd; Moving Statue by Helicopter Pope Pius XII carried on litter thru crowd waving scarfs inside cathedral, blessing crowd. People in balcony applauding. Pope past in MCU. 16:40:07 Pope seated at microphone reading blessing (?). MOS. Crowd listening. Pope standing giving blessing, crossing himself. Crowd. Pope walks thru crowd applauding. 16:40:42 Ext. ornate gothic cathedral. Tilt down. Crowd in large square. Pan to men w/ various nations flags standing on steps. Priests blessing entrance. 16:41:03 Picture of Pope in front of crowd, flags & others behind. 16:41:06 Helicopter w/ statue affixed. People watching as it lifts off. Sign: A.C.L.I. Rovigo. Statue on helicopter seen from beneath. 16:41:23 High angle of helicopter above crowd, landing in center of St. Peters’ plaza. CU nuns watching Oddities; Religion;