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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250079-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 12:16:38
TC Ends: 12:22:40
Duration: 00:06:02
1989 - Color, USA Inauguration: President H.W. Bush. 20Jan89 Pt. 3 of 3 Continued... To the world too, we offer new engagement & a renewed vow: We will stay strong to protect the peace. The "offered hand" is a reluctant fist; but once made, strong & can be used with great effect. There are today Americans who are held against their will in foreign lands, & Americans who are unaccounted for. Assistance can be shown here & will be long remembered. Good will begets good will. Good faith can be a spiral that endlessly moves on. 12:17:22 Great nations like great men must keep their word. When America says something, America means it, whether a treaty or an agreement or a vow made on marble steps. (applause) 12:17:47 We will always try to speak clearly for candor is a compliment, but subtlety too, is good & has its place. While keeping our alliances & friendships around the world strong, ever strong, we will continue the new closeness w/ the Soviet Union consistent both w/ our security & w/ progress. One might say that our new relationship in part reflects the triumph of hope & strength over experience. But hope is good, and so are strength & vigilance. Here today are tens of thousands of our citizens who feel the understandable satisfaction of those who have taken part in democracy & seen their hopes fulfilled. But my thoughts have been turning the past few days to those who would be watching at home, to an older fellow who will throw a salute by himself when the flag goes by, & the women who will tell her sons the words of the battle hymns. I don't mean this to be sentimental. I mean that on days like this we remember that we are all part of a continuum, inescapably connected by the ties that bind. 12:19:20 Our children are watching in schools throughout our great land. And to them I say, thank you for watching democracy's big day. For democracy belongs to us all, & freedom is like a beautiful kite that can go higher & higher w/ the breeze. And to all I say: no matter what your circumstances or where you are, you are part of this day, you are part of the life of our great nation. (applause) 12:20:03 A President is neither prince nor pope, & I don't seek a window on men's souls. In fact, I yearn for a greater tolerance, an easy-goingness about each other's attitudes & way of life. There are few clear areas in which we as a society must rise up united & express our intolerance. The most obvious now is drugs. And when that first cocaine was smuggled in on a ship, it may as well have been a deadly bacteria, so much has it hurt the body, the soul of our country. And there is much to be done & to be said, but take my word for it: This scourge will stop. (applause) 12:21:03 And so, there is much to do; and tomorrow the work begins. I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater. And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless. 12:21:37 Some see leadership as high drama, and the sound of trumpets calling, and sometimes it is that. But I see history as a book with many pages & each day we fill a page with acts of hopefulness & meaning. The new breeze blows, a page turns, the story unfolds. And so today a chapter begins, a small & stately story of unity, diversity, and generosity—shared, and written, together. Thank you. God bless you and God bless the United States of America. 12:22:24 CUs, handshaking. Metaphors; Presidential Speeches; Overtures; Threats; Traditions; Ceremony; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes sold at per reel rate.