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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1700-40
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1955
Country: USA
Location: Hollywood,Los Angles,New York City,NYC,Washington DC
TC Begins: 13:21:10
TC Ends: 13:23:39
Duration: 00:02:29
Title: Easter - A Joyous Season For Christendeom 13:21:15 Hollywood Bowl stage w/ choir in large cross; pan large audience. MCU Woman w/ three children under blanket; MCU otheers. 13:21:30 LS from rear of audience w/ two ushers holding large Easter Lilies. Swish pan... 13:21:32 Roman & crowd filling St. Peter’s Square; view of Pope on balcony, view of crowd watching. MCU people watching. CU crowd. CU Pope giving blessing. People crossing themselves, waving. Swish pan... 13:21:55 Rear view of small children, man unveils oversize Easter egg w/ Dutch scene of windmill. CUs of egg & kids. 13:22:13 Woman lifts paper mache egg covering from two small boys who laugh & cry. 13:22:21 Girl following white rabbit across rug, catches it. Swish pan... 13:22:29 Parents & children walking up to White House; large crowd & President greeting them, given Easter Eggs. Kids rolling easter eggs & playing with them. 13:22:59 Title down St. Patrick’s Chathedral in NYC to crowds filling Fifth Avenue. Women in strange hats.. Photographers & Easter Lilies. Religious Holidays; Religion; Celebration; Children; Kids; 1955; Americana;