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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221207-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Italy,Vatican City
Location: Rome,Vatican City
TC Begins: 22:38:58
TC Ends: 22:40:35
Duration: 00:01:37
Mussolini Visits Vatican City Car accompanied w/ Swiss Guards on horseback thru Vatican Square. Goering or Mussolini in elaborate Admiral’s uniform out w/ another. Gives Nazi salute. 22:39:41 Mussolini surrounded by heavyset men in brocade walking into St. Peters. Inside down steps w/ large statue of man on horse behind. 22:40:08 Car out accompanied by mounted Swiss Guards (?). Street lined w/ crowds & soldiers. Crowd in St. Peter’s Square. Roman Catholic Church;