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Nuns in Cell - Boycott Nazi Goods - Nazi Artwork - Headlines re Religious Persecution

Reel Number: 221040-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1938

Country: USA

Location: New York City

TC Begins: 10:06:34

TC Ends: 10:12:53

Duration: 00:06:19

Nuns in Cell - Boycott Nazi Goods - Nazi Artwork - Headlines re Religious Persecution Two nuns in cell staged; one looks through bars, other reads prayer book; CUs. Dinner table setting w/ CU German menu and CU cake. 10:08:22 Advertisement re anti-Nazi demo placed by Joint Boycott Council of American Jewish Congress and Jewish Labor Committee: ‘BOYCOTT Nazi Goods and Services - BC Sets Mon. March 15 For Mighty Demonstration in Madison Square Garden’. CU ‘Boycott Nazi Germany’ pin badge. CU German magazines and newspapers inc. ‘Der Sturmer’ w/ headline about Jews. CU signs on door of German-American household? - ‘16 Droysenstrasse’ - ‘Karl Reimer’. Poster: ‘Bekanntmachung: Wegen Hochverrates Am Deutschen Volke Wurden Heute Hingerichtet: Joachim Klauser, Heinz Kuhnert’. 10:10:36 Logos for Nazi groups w/ propagandist artwork: ‘Hitlerjugend - Hitler Youth’ - ‘Arbeitsdienst - Labor Service’ - ‘Jungmaedels - Young Girls’ - ‘Schutz Staffel - Black Shirts’ - ‘Kraft Durch Freude - Strength Through Joy’. 10:11:51 CU newspaper headlines: ‘24 Churchmen Face Trials in Germany - Protestants Are Accused of Collecting Funds - Struggle With State Is Bitter’. ‘Nazis to Stage Mass Trial of Religious Foes’. ‘Nazis Assail Pope, Order Nuns to Trial’. CUs German newspaper headlines and portrait of German leaders inc. Kaiser and Hitler. WWII. Religion

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