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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221207-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1933,1939
Country: Germany,Italy,Poland,Vatican City
Location: Vatican City
TC Begins: 22:29:11
TC Ends: 22:30:42
Duration: 00:01:31
Pacelli Arrives In Germany Probably as Cardinal Secretary of State to conclude treaty of Reichskonkordat w/ Germany 20Jul33. Off plane & poses w/ others. 22:29:24 Pope XII w/ others posing post 02Mar39. 22:29:28 Catholic VIPs in courtyard. Germany or Austrian soldier present. Pan of still w/ Pacelli signing ? 22:29:41 Hitler on balcony, Nazi VIPs behind; view of crowd saluting & waving to Hitler. Largely smiling women & old men. 22:29:57 Tilt up Vatican ? to antenna on turreted roof top; CUs priests at mic; radio engineers. LS of large antenna & MS w/ statue of religious figure & staff. Clouds w/ sun thru. 22:30:26 Poland: men arrested standing w/ hands up. Churchman in yard w/ bag. Others w/ coats. 22:30:38 German troops surrounded by men & boys, very large marble buildings behind. Religion; Roman Catholic Church; Pre-WWII; 1930s; 1939 Vatican Radio Broadcasting;