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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220630-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1944,1940s
Country: France,Germany,Italy,Switzerland,USA
Location: Annecy,Lyons,Rome
TC Begins: 05:34:06
TC Ends: 05:59:32
Duration: 00:25:26
Post-WWII - Colour, 1945, France: Repatriation of Escaped USA Pilots; Lyon; Rome; Pope Pius Old French lady pushing belongings in cart on road; army truck loaded w/ escaped USAAF pilots past German POWs working in fields. Truck pulls off road & to C-47s parked on grass. Americans out of truck, smiling to camera; one wears German officer’s cap & laughingly gives Fascist salute. 05:35:04 German prisoners of war walk past Americans in front of C-47 transport plane. USAAF officer speaks to assembled men, some in uniform, some in civilian clothes. MS & CUs listening. Man wearing Davos pennant. CUs label/ pennant & labels on suitcase Hotel des Alpes Glion. Civilians watch from across road. Escaped pilots shake hands w/ US Army Colonel, board transport plane. Civilians watch take off. Herd of cows & goats walk across airfield w/ USAAF C-47 in background. German POWs watch plan taking off. Others march along road. 05:39:47 Jeep parked outside Hotel France. Crowd of troops sit smiling for camera. Soldier under road sign 05:40:16 Soldier pointing to sign: Ambilly 9 KM, Frontière Suisse 7 KM. Scenic shot Alps & clouds. Escaped pilots interned in Switzerland & US officers pose in front of C-47 aircraft. C-47 takes off. 05:41:46 Swiss - French border. Tram arrives - large group of men mostly in civilian clothing exit tram & enter building. Officers shake hands. Group of smiling men w/ suitcases & border police. 05:43:32 Group of children, few soldiers walk along road. C U Pennant Hotel des Alpes Glion. Men board transport plane - plane takes off. Crowds on airfield, group of German POWs look wistfully skywards. French or Swiss children on road watch. German POWs weeding in field, stop to watch plane take off. 05:46:28 US officer examines rifle belonging to French soldier. Group gathered talking beside aircraft. Americans board plane & are waved off by French or Swiss. Various groups (prisoners?) standing & sitting around talking & relaxing. Large group locals & US pose for photo. Woman beside lake , camera pans mountains on other side.. Two men carrying armloads of French bread pose outside Charmilles Hotel. 05:51:59 Air to air shots USAAF Piper L4H mono plane in flight over Alps. Aerial views French city on lake & countryside. Over C-47 on grass near road (as above). Group of men on airfield. USAAF transport aircraft parked. Two Piper L4H on field. Jeep loaded into plane with difficulty. Good but light struck. 05:54:46 Civilians line streets of Lyons after liberation. US troops fraternize w/ local women sitting in jeeps; others behind fencing. POV crossing river w/ destroyed bridge in background. 05:55:36 Victor Emmanuel Monument in Rome behind US soldiers & Italian boys. Soldiers in jeep talking / flirting w/ local Italian girls. Group of Italian medics pose w/ women. 05:57:12 Very dark - shot in unlit Vatican interior. Pope Pius lighted by camera flashes. Post-WW2; Switzerland; Italy; France; NOTE: Any continuous 13 minutes sold at per reel rate.