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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250047-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Italy,Vatican City
Location: Rome,Vatican City
TC Begins: 20:37:56
TC Ends: 20:46:45
Duration: 00:08:49
WWII - 1944, Pope Pius XII Blesses Crowd, St. Peter’s Square, 05Jun44 Crowd gathering & standing outside St. Peter’s in square, slow pan from top of steps of filled square. 20:39:40 MCU of ringing bells in stone opening (GOOD). 20:40:00 View up to bells & roof sculpture from square. Large tapestry unfolded from balcony; Pope Pius XII appears & doors closed behind him; tilt down to cheering & waving crowd. Telephoto shot of Pope giving blessing & gesturing before microphones. 20:42:19 Trucks w/ Italian resistance fighters & flags thru crowded street; US soldiers in crowd & in jeep among Italian vehicles. 20:42:35 LS View into largely empty St. Peter’s Square w/ Cathedral in background from approach. Some pedestrians, bicycles & cars & jeeps. Closer shot w/ fountain operating. 20:44:14 POV from car in front of US army jeep w/ nurses & others slowly thru Rome street, people follow on foot. Thru intersection w/ more army vehicles including army truck pulling artillery. 20:45:33 People marching to Vatican City w/ sign on pole, banner; includes monks, nuns & civilians. 20:46:10 View across St. Peter’s Square w/ same group arriving up steps. WW2 Liberation Celebration Rome; Vatican City;