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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220498-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s
Country: Russia
TC Begins: 02:18:57
TC Ends: 02:23:59
Duration: 00:05:02
191? - Russian Educational Film: Life of Microbes Russian Title: The Life of Microbes. Film taken in the laboratories of the Patye (aka Pathe?) Brothers factory. 02:19:08 CU drawing (?) of microscope. 02:19:15 CU mouse cleaning its fur. 02:19:34 Man in laboratory coat beside microscope & mice cage; removes mouse & cuts off tip of tail, puts blood on glass slide & replaces mouse into box. Looks thru microscope. 02:20:08 Cells (?) seen moving under microscope. 02:20:31 Technician takes another mouse, injects it; puts back into box. 02:21:18 CU mouse. 02:21:23 Russian Inter-title: ?? 02:21:32 Technician looking thru microscope. Cells moving around, other things (microbes) moving past. Technician. 02:22:06 Russian Inter-title: ?? 02:22:09 CU Mouse. Technician at microscope; cells & larger microbes. 02:22:57 Russian Inter-title: ?? CU technician; fewer cells & larger microbes. 02:23:35 CU dying or dead mouse. 02:23:39 Russian Inter-title: ?? 02:23:45 CU technician removing cork & ?? from top of glass tube. 02:23:51 ECU fly on pin. Vivisection; Scientist; Science; Scientific; Biology; Research; Early Educational Films; 1910s; 1920s; Experiments performed on a mice are shown and the changes in it’s blood cells. NOTE: Many inter-titles are illegible; others need translation.