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1948 - Educational Film: Nature of Sound (main title missing)

Reel Number: 221634-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948,1940s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:48:10

TC Ends: 06:58:10

Duration: 00:10:00

Nature of Sound (main title missing) Coronet Town w/ traffic past stores, Jimmy beside railroad track jumps as gates drop. Railroad runby (only wheels visible). Jimmy walks, looking around. Sees steam & whistle. 06:49:17 Room w/ ham radio call letters on wall. Jimmy (SOF) asks Bill how sound gets around if it is vibrations. Shows way to tell that. Tube amplifier & speaker; glass used to carry vibration of watch. 06:51:21 Animated drawing & graphics of vibrations showing elements of sound. They discuss sound. 06:53:42 Slinky used to show movement of waves by hitting one end showing reflection w/ wave bouncing back. 06:54:11 Motion picture set; hanging drapes to improve sound quality. Characteristics of sound shown w/ oscilloscope & wave patterns. Summary. The End. Educational Films; 1948; Science; Physics; 1940s; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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