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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221336-33
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 07:56:19
TC Ends: 08:00:06
Duration: 00:03:47
1950s - Color, USA: Bio-Chemical Research Section, Armament Test Equipment Laboratory Intertitle: ARDC presents Lab technician checking shelf & getting bottle of chemicals. Several chemists mixing & measuring colored liquids. Weighing on balance scale in enclosed container. Pouring test tubes stoppering. Various instruments. Man turning dial on Superscaler (?), other knobs, gauges w/ light moving up & down on it. Per card: “a chemist performing a chemical analysis on soil samples in support of the vegetable growth control project; and a test being performed on the radioactive tracer method. Shows a radioactive sample being placed in sample holder (Geiger-tube), which transmits electrical impulses to the superscaler (counter) to determine the radioactivity of the sample.” Science; Scientists; Laboratory; NOTE: ARDC was reorganized in 1959 so film is pre-1960. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: