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1952 - Cold War, Voice of America Shipboard Transmitter; Operation Longhorn Maneuvers

Reel Number: 280104-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1952,1950s

Country: USA

Location: Texas

TC Begins: 07:18:47

TC Ends: 07:21:53

Duration: 00:03:06

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1952 - Cold War, Voice of America Shipboard Transmitter; Operation Longhorn Maneuvers Intertitle: Science - ...radio station built aboard a ship carries the Voice of America to Nations enslaved by the Communists. USCGC Courier (WAGR-410) at dock during State Department refitting as ship-borne radio relay station for transmitting radio programming of US Information Agency’s VOA “...deep behind the Iron Curtain.” MS antennas, man viewing large electrical tubes & racks of equipment. 07:19:21 Engineer / technician working dials on rack mounted equipment. CU On Air sign. Man at microphone seen thru broadcast studio window; relay antennas above deck. Men at other equipment racks; in studio w/ record cutting machine mounted on gyroscope, CU rocking. Hull of ship w/ name & US flag. 07:19:50 Military Science - ...soldiers & airmen engage in Operation Longhorn, the greatest war game ever.” 07:20:02 Officers looking at map beside truck. Aerial over field w/ tanks firing; ground shot tanks moving & firing; infantry along roadside. Explosions. Aerial of many tanks. 07:20:22 Aerial of USAF transports & int. of 82nd Airborne waiting to jump. View out door of many jumping, descending & landing hard. C-119s dropping jeeps, trucks, artillery & supplies onto desert. One falls w/o parachute smashing completely. MCU. Troops running & tanks at speed on dirt road. 1950s Cold War; Communications; Propaganda Broadcasting; Mobile Radio Station; Military Exercise; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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