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1960 - Color, Science, USA: Research By Rockets Pt. 3 of 3

Reel Number: 221130-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960

Country: Canada,USA

Location: California,Fort Churchill,Manitoba

TC Begins: 07:26:09

TC Ends: 07:34:33

Duration: 00:08:24

1960 - Color, Science, USA: Research By Rockets Pt. 3 of 3 Continued. Window recording instruments. Launching of balloon to record wind patterns. Man mapping. Air Force technicians assembling camera devices for the Aerobee. Composite photograph shot by Aerobee. 07:27:18 Launch of small rocket & man tracking with microphone. Radar tracking. Stage separation seen. Animation of bombardment of ionosphere by radiation from space & rocket measuring. 07:28:23 Two men measuring data on chart. Sun’s radiation discussed and measuring during eclipse by rocket. Animation showing lack of radiation during eclipse though x-rays were received. High speed tape machines. Stills of sun and gases. Rocket launched from ship. animation of particles moving thru space and into atmosphere. 07:30:28 Rockoon shown prepared shipboard and balloon lifts rocket before firing. Men at instruments following sound and radar. 07:31:25 Sign Fort Churchill, Manitoba Rocket brought in by trailer to study cosmic waves during aurora borealis. Northern lights shown in time-lapse. Rocket fired to measure electrical force. Man at instrument panel; sitting on tracking devices. CU of radar dish turning. View by camera from rocket above earth. Credits. Rocketry; Physics; Inventions; Science; Scientists; Military Air Force; Cosmic Rays; 1960s; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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