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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221130-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: California
TC Begins: 07:17:25
TC Ends: 07:26:09
Duration: 00:08:44
1960 - Color, Science, USA: Research By Rockets Pt. 2 of 3 Continued. Interior of launching bunker w/ electronics & man talking on mics. NASA clock face in CU. Ampex recording machine w/ magnetic tape & plotting pens shown. Countdown and launch. Cameras follow in sky. Man watches w/ binoculars. 07:18:52 Drawing of atmosphere and graph showing troposphere, stratosphere, middle atmosphere & ionosphere. Animation of particles and meteorites against backdrop of stars. 07:20:45 Launch of small five-stage sounding rocket & followed. Radar dish, man at equipment consol & flashing lights. Trail of rocket. View of rocket nose cone falling away & parachutes deploying. Jupiter instrument package into ocean and retrieved by Navy. 07:22:3? Telemetry rocket launched and codes received on instruments. Tape recorders, moving sine waves on oscilloscope. Man marking recording charts. Another rocket launch. Man assembling electronic falling sphere that will be ejected from rocket and measure the change in its falling speed. Shown putting into sharply tapered cone. Men plotting graphs. 07:24:50 Drawing of path of sphere or satellite and difference in density found in various places around northern hemisphere. Men fitting grenades into rockets for recording their explosions. Chart demonstrates firing of the grenades and measuring the intervals between explosions. Panel of instruments and gauges. Continued... Rocketry; Physics; Inventions; Science; Scientists; Military Air Force; 1960; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.