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1963 - Color, Science: Oceanography & Marine Studies, Depot Bay, Oregon & Marineland, Florida

Reel Number: 221725-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1963,1960s

Country: Canada,USA

Location: depot Bay,Florida,Marineland,Oregon

TC Begins: 09:56:17

TC Ends: 10:07:53

Duration: 00:11:36

1963 - Color, Science: Oceanography & Marine Studies, Depot Bay, Oregon & Marineland, Florida Depot Bay, Oregon single span concrete arched bridge over narrow harbor entrance, POV from boat entering, bright sunny day. Small fishing boats docked, cars at boat landing. 09:57:52 Int. Aquarium tank window, dolphins swimming. 09:58:50 Slate. Marineland of Florida. Dolphins seen from below & above. 09:59:41 Slate. Unid. large black whale leaps out & hits ball. 09:59:54 POV of boat w/ rigging & nets hanging, under closing bridge; booms extended w/ Florida town seen on shore; deckhand shaking out hanging nets & putting overboard for sampling (?). Inspecting small fish retrieved. 10:03:50 Retrieving nets (low white sandy beach in background). 10:05:00 Emptying net on deck w/ many small fish, CU w/ turtle. 10:05:14 Retrieving nets. 10:05:59 POV from deck of rigging, boat beneath open bridge. 10:06:14 CU Captain at wheel w/ wind in hair. POV passing docked bright white coastal barges & fishing boats w/ men working on board & boat beginning docking. Oceanarium; Biology; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.

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