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1963 - Color, Space: Flight of Faith 7 Pt. 1 of 3

Reel Number: 221512-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1963

Country: USA

Location: CapE Canaveral,CApe kennedy,SPACE

TC Begins: 14:59:36

TC Ends: 15:09:16

Duration: 00:09:40

1963 - Color, Space: Flight of Faith 7 Pt. 1 of 3 15May63 Launch pad 14 w/ rocket; people watching, CBS television camera. Aerial of launch 15:00:28 Title: Flight of Faith 7 15:00:37 MCU of rocket in launch. Two technicians working w/ astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper in space suit. Biplane flying past, then AF fighter landing. Cooper in cockpit of plane as test pilot. Astronauts in classroom w/ John Glenn, Cooper & others. 15:02:12 Training in weightlessness, on centrifuge, in tumbling machine & training in capsule simulator of Mercury Spacecraft. 15:03:01 Capsule in desert, training in heat. Getting into space suit, CU in helmet. Seated in chair for testing thermometer, sensors attached to body. Microphone takes blood pressure w/ press of button & transmitted back to earth. 15:04:51 Exercise machine for gathering cardiovascular data. Pressurized suit testing, carrying ?? to bus & gantry. Mercury capsule showing upgrading of craft to reduce weight and store more fuel, water, and equipment. 15:06:29 Rocket & capsule in place at gantry. Parts, materials prepared. Cooper going to spacecraft. 15:07:16 Mercury Control Center w/ work stations. Equipment for rescue if needed. Entering capsule w/ technicians helping. Gantry pulled back from rocket. 15:08:06 Control room during count down w/ voices of technicians, Marine helicopter, rescue vehicles. technicians. Communications. Space Race; NASA Space Program; 1963; 1960s; Science; Exploration;

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