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1967 ca - NASA, APOLLO I: PRESS DAY - Chaffee, White & Grissom in Simulator Tests

Reel Number: 221350-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1960s,1967

Country: USA

Location: CApe kennedy,Florida

TC Begins: 09:00:21

TC Ends: 09:20:36

Duration: 00:20:15

1967 ca - NASA, APOLLO I: PRESS DAY - Chaffee, White & Grissom in Simulator Tests Astronauts Chaffee, White & Grissom exit NASA van on pad; CU's badges, faces. 09:01:43 Crew sitting in AS Command Module simulator; passing food around, joking. Eating. 09:04:16 Crew entering simulator; 09:04:27 Interior of simulator control room; scenes of technician & control panels w/lighted buttons. Gages. 09:06:26 Simulator behind control panels. 09:06:44 CU interiors of Command Module simulator w/ crew seated. Instrument screen showing roll & attitude movement. Astronaut face in helmet. Gloves w/ switches. Int. thru door (?) & hand taking camera from holder & moving around in Module. 09:09:23 Grissom puts on suit w/ Chaffee & White; CU's & MS crew in full suits minus helmets. Mission badge. CU Grissom putting on gloves. 09:11:37 Top shot crew into simulator. 09:11:59 Crew out of NASA van to meet press on launch pad. W/ press & photographers. Posing. Cameramen. 09:14:08 Crew walk to & enter van. Van drives off. 09:14:48 MCU's crew in simulator from several angles. Astronauts moving about. Sighting thrui ??. Fingers punching control buttons. Remove tools from trays & returning tray to console. Opening & removing filter (?). Space Race; Publicity; Promotion; Technology; Science; Pre-Fire Disaster; 1960s;

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