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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221426-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 02:00:04
TC Ends: 02:07:34
Duration: 00:07:30
1968 - Drug Abuse, Monkey, LSD Experiment - San Francisco Laboratory Card one of two MS & CU of monkey hanging on wire cage nodding or in stupor. Zoom out & in, heart beating rapidly. 02:01:52 Several monkeys in cinderblock cage running around & jumping. Treated monkey w/ identification band clinging to fence, others move about on sides & top. Treated monkey picked up by Black technician w/ heavy gloves & put onto bar. Monkey tries to hold on but can’t and put on flat surface wher it lays on stomach w/ arms outstretched & tail limp. 02:04:55 CU of monkey trying to hold onto pipe, held by handler. Monkey not able to focus, hangs by one arm & one leg but has to be kept from falling. 02:05:35 CU lying on stomach on surface of floor, tries to crawl, tilt up to other monkeys running on cage wire. 02:06:01 Slate: 03Apr68 Dr. Otis, Stanford University Zoom in on equipment moving towards cage w/ monkey, door opens, hands of Dr. Otis (not seen) operating equipment back & forth, monkey reaches & picks up food. Color symbols used & changed behind door to test perception. Multiple times. Continued Drug Testing; Research Science; Animal Testing; 1960s; 1968; Vivisection NOTE: Sell any continuous 10 minutes at per reel rate. (card two is San Francisco & Hippies related)