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1969 - Space: Moon Old & New, The Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 221483-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1969

Country: USA

Location: Moon,SPACE

TC Begins: 13:00:00

TC Ends: 13:12:19

Duration: 00:12:19

1969 - Space: Moon Old & New, The Pt. 1 of 2 Rocket gantry in distance at sunrise, moon in sky w/ zoom in. 13:01:05 Observatory roof opening & telescope barrel visible. Animation of moon lander, CU of moon photograph. Galileo book & telescope. CUs of moon w/ readings & narration behind. Various diagrams of moon’s surface. Moon moving around earth in time lapse or animation. Surface of moon w/ sun exposure, in dark. Craters of brighter or Highlands; darker or Marea per Galileo. 13:03:57 View over moon surface w/ various craters. CU of satellite data showing volcano-like craters and impact craters. Mountain ranges, domes & red glows first seen in 1950s. 13:05:49 Strange valleys; fractures or faults. Entire moon seen filling screen. Surveyor spacecraft w/ arm moving taking samples. 13:06:31 Moon seen thru tree branches 13:06:54 Jul69 View of Eagle moon lander in the last 40 feet & landing w/ astronaut voice over. “the Eagle has landed.” Various shots of surface, panning over combined photographs. Tilt up from shadow of lander to hill. 13:08:54 Astronaut out of lander. Engineers w/ headsets looking at data. Astronaut taking soil samples at foot of lander. LS of lander. Footprints of boots. Splattered rocks / glass-like in craters. Instruments in place, blue laser simulated to record distance. Earth pulling back in view (probably from still). Seismometer placed. 13:11:49 Boy looking thru telescope. Apollo XII astronauts in stills setting up more equipment. Space Exploration; Science; Geology; Physics; Astronomy; NASA; 1969; 1960s;

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