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1969 - Space: Moon Old & New, The Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221483-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1969

Country: USA

Location: Moon,SPACE

TC Begins: 13:12:19

TC Ends: 13:25:24

Duration: 00:13:05

1969 - Space: Moon Old & New, The Pt. 2 of 2 CU of moon rocks being handled by technicians. Holding in gloves in sealed container. Comment by: Dr. Robert Jastrow. Breaking moon rock. Electron microscope studying rock sections. Comments by: Dr. Robert Walker talking about beauty of rocks. Igneous crystalline rocks. 13:14:15 Technician at microscope, superimposed w/ rocks of different types & structures. Scientists looking at rocks w/ various instruments. CU rock 13 which is 4.6 billion years old. 13:16:16 Core tube sample of lunar soil which showed stratification. View from microscope showing tiny particles of rocks, etc. 13:17:00 Sun flares. 13:17:14 Technician in laboratory w/ glass tubes to heat material. 13:17:46 CU sun over clouds. Voice of Robert Walker. 13:17:55 Looking for organic life. Not found. Exposing earth to lunar materials. Commentary: Dr. Charles H. Walkinshaw. Plants responded to lunar material: Ferns, tobacco, corn, lettuce & liverworts. Technicians working with plants in isolated container in lunar receiving laboratory. 13:19:34 LS of moon’s surface; stills of instruments. Comment by Dr. Maurice Ewing telling of how moon responded to impact of abandoned lunar module. It had a reverberation that continued for at least thirty minutes, similarly with other impacts received over several months. Seismograph printing. 13:20:26 Earth coming out from behind moon. Maximum gravitation attraction w/ earth caused quakes, but none from within the moon as on earth. Still photos of various sensing equipment on moon. 13:21:37 LS of moon, views over moon surface from lander circling & coming closer. Heavy cratered Highlands. Large craters & small on smooth Marea area. 13:22:53 Shot of earth descending past moon. CU of craters from circling lander. 13:23:27 Earthrise over moon w/ 1/2 of earth visible. POV over craters. 13:24:01 CU of lunar scientists Voice of Dr. Robin Brett. Others by Robert Walker & Dr. Ian McGregor over moon views. Eruption of lava on earth w/ moon in sky behind. Voice of Dr. Paul W. Gast. Credits. Exploration; Science; Geology; Physics; Astronomy; NASA; 1960s;

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