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1972 - Color, NASA: Apollo 16 - Nothing So Hidden

Reel Number: 221052-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1972

Country: USA

Location: CapE Canaveral,Florida,Houston,Kennedy space centre,Marshall space flight centre,Moon,Outer Space,Texas

TC Begins: 02:00:00

TC Ends: 02:28:23

Duration: 00:28:23

16Apr72 Apollo XVI on pad at dawn. Crew eating breakfast - John Young, Ken Mattingly, Charles Duke read papers. Moon in sky - day. Shots on moon taken from rover traveling to Stone Mountain. Titles. 02:01:58 Crowds at Kennedy Space Center - rocket on launch pad. Top shot INT Marshall Space Flight Centre Houston - staff at banks of computers working on problem. 02:02:22 Good shots launch and take off, mission control and in space - shots during flight to moon. 19Apr72 - Moon from Apollo. 02:03:40 20Apr72 Exterior un-docking procedure - problem found on command module engine - good shots inside mission control as they try to solve problem. Intercut with rendezvous of command and lunar module. The decision is taken to go for landing. 02:08:07 Shots of moon from lunar module landing on Descartes Plateau intercut with shots inside mission control. “you go for landing”. Landing and moonscape scenes; “we’re finally here Houston”. 02:09:55 21Apr72 John Young out of module - moon scapes. Scientists observing mission from Science Support Room. 02:10:28 US Flag planted on moon. Astronauts take photos - Young sets up UV camera to take shots of earth and UV shots of stars etc. 02:11:32 Duke drills hole for heat flow probe. Young sets up other experiments. A problem occurs with heat flow experiment. Experiments monitored by scientists on earth. 02:13:35 Astronauts into moon buggy / rover and move away from landing site - make further experiments re: magnetic fields, intercut with shots Houston. 02:14:59 Good shots rover put through its paces bouncing over moon. Back to lunar base. 02:16:10 Team at Houston in cafeteria. 02:16:38 22Apr72 Shots of lunar module - traveling on rover - astronauts moving around on moon collecting samples and carrying out more experiments intercut with Houston shots of information received from moon. Apollo 16 - Moon Walk & Return 02:18:57 Various pieces to camera about importance of space experiments. 02:19:40 Day three 23Apr72 - astronauts head out on moon buggy / rover - more experiments - shots of crater - discover huge boulder - intercut with shots of mission control - Astronauts return to module on rover. 02:24:10 Lunar module lift off and docking. Astronauts inside module eating. 02:24:59 Shot of earth. 02:25:06 25Apr72 - Command Module Pilot Mattingley space walk - retrieves film canisters. 02:25:44 Excellent shot of earth from space. Astronaut VO “I think we’ve seen as much in ten days as most people see in ten lifetimes”. 02:25:55 27Apr72 Re-entry and splashdown. Intercut with shots mission control - applause. 02:27:03 Astronauts exit helicopter onto red carpet; Ship’s Captain ? speech re: teamwork of Apollo XVI mission. Celebrations in mission control - cigars & backslapping. End titles include: ‘Pre-landing rendezvous sequence created with photography from previous missions’. Space Race; Apollo 16; Explorers; Exploration; 1972; Color; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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