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1989 - Bone Lengthening Treatment w/ Ilizarov method

Reel Number: 250050-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1989

Country: USA,USSR

Location: College Park,Maryland

TC Begins: 02:20:22

TC Ends: 02:23:58

Duration: 00:03:36

1989 - Bone Lengthening Treatment w/ Ilizarov method Hospital medical technologist walking; interviewed. CU lower leg where a year ago a three-inch piece was put in after was shattered by car. Walking down hall w/ crutches. SOF as to why he did it. 02:20:48 USSR device, the Ilizarov, shown & explained. Shot of Dr. Illizarov performing surgery, adjusting device. 02:21:07 American doctor Dr. Dror Paley to camera SOF: “This is not just another better mouse-trap. It’s a whole new system of biology that we were not aware of.” Shots of surgery while Paley explains how it works, attaching w/ wires to bone & bone partially cut. Animation showing bones lengthening. 02:22:07 Children exercising after having operation. Boy w/ congenital bone problem shown; mother talks about it. Doctor at University of Maryland explaining. 02:23:31 Dr. Pauly talking; original medical technologist “I’m totally happy.” Medicine; Surgery; Medical Science; USSR Inventions; Biology; Bone Growth;

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