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1994 - Colour, NASA: Space Shuttle, STS-68 Mission Highlights, Activities. 30Sep-11Oct94 Pt 2 of 4

Reel Number: 220531-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1994,1990s

Country: USA

Location: Kennedy Space Center Florida,SPACE

TC Begins: 05:12:47

TC Ends: 05:30:23

Duration: 00:17:36

1994 - Colour, NASA: Space Shuttle, STS-68 Mission Highlights, Activities. 30Sep-10Oct94 Pt 2 of 4 Title: Onboard Experiments and Crew Activities. MOS In orbit & pay load doors opening against dark night sky & dawn w/ earth arc seen SOF Pan Space radar laboratory antenna in port loading bay. Band Antenna - zoom out. LS Earth from space in background, top of screen GOOD.. 05:15:44 SOF Flight deck, Smith sitting in Commanders chair explains experiments to be done. He shows cannister floating in zero gravity containing 5000 Gypsy Moth eggs. Eggs carried in space produce sterile moths; eggs will be returned to Department of Agriculture to study. 05:17:3? 2nd experiment, Commercial Protein Crystal Growth Experiment / CPCG being done for University of Alabama is to create new drugs or improve current drugs & help in production of new drugs. Shows compartive pictures of crystals grown on ground & same crystals grown in space (much larger). 05:20:1? MOS ?? working on electronic machine while holding manual, tightening ???. 05:21:0? SOF Astronauts eating; another writing on ??. 05:21:4? ?? sittng w/ electrodes etc attached, reading instructions, horizontal head calibration trial no. 2, pan to electrical light being controlled; no. 3 05:22:5? ?? describing monitoring wrist attachment, measuring activity levels. 05:23:4? Men watching pliers spinning in zero gravity. Astronauts Baker & Wisoff moving thru shuttle w/ printout paper trailing. 05:24:27 Baker using bicycle ergometer, Wisoff beside pedaling w/o bike. 05:24:4? Wilcutt on ergometer; Baker reading printout. 05:25:1? Smith cleaning or taking sample from ??. Bursch using Shuttle Onboard Personal Computer. Thomas Jones consulting maps folder & stowing, then to computer. 05:26:2? Jones working with biological research canister in black bag on lap. Jones eating, Smith reading manual. 05:27:17 Baker doing chin-ups & floats upwards out of sight. Burch floats into small sleeping compartment after kissing photo of wife. 05:28:0? MOS Wilcutt writing notes, turns & floats out to right. 05:28:3? Wisoff, Smith & Baker making repairs to equipment. 05:29:3? Baker floating up into room, and Wilcutt float up into pilot & co-pilot seats. & write in log or ?? Space Exploration; Flight; Science Experiments; Repairs; Family; NOTE: Flight crew - Michael A Baker, Commander; Terrance W Wilcutt, Pilot; Thomas D Jones, Payload Commander; Peter J.K. Wisoff, Daniel W Bursch & Steven L Smith, Mission Specialists. NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes of 05:00:10 - 05:58:45 sold at per reel rate.

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