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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220531-01
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1994,1990s
Country: USA
Location: Kennedy Space Center Florida,SPACE
TC Begins: 05:00:10
TC Ends: 05:12:46
Duration: 00:12:36
1994 - Colour, NASA: Space Shuttle, STS-68 Mission Highlights, Launch. 30Sep94 Pt 1 of 4 Titles. 05:00:39 LS & MS Night, space shuttle Endeavor on launch pad at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. 05:00:56 Int. launch control room largely empty. Weather map. Orbiter on launch pad. 05:01:31 Crew suiting up - MCUs technicians suiting astronauts Baker, Wilcutt, Smith & Thomas. Wisoff suiting, Bursch suiting. VO explaining procedure. 05:03:13 LS night of pad w/ rocket & shuttle; countdown clock. 05:03:36 Crew walking down hall & waving to employees, into elevator; out to van waving. 05:03:37 LS pad; B/W van arrives at base of launch pad 39A. Pose for pre-flight pictures. 05:05:52 Colour: ?? putting on hair covering. Dawn on pad w/ orbiter on launch pad. Long shot of tower. 05:07:4 Walkway & arms pull back. Final inspection of rocket; three main engines gimbeled. Nose stabilizer lifted, moved away. Telephoto shot w/ astronaut visible thru window. 05:08:36 LS from across water / pond. T-20 Seconds. Launch countdown, CU engines ignition. Lift off. 05:09:27 LS & tracking flight. 05:10:08 Good shot separation of solid rocket boosters against night sky, falling back, rocket proceeding. 05:10:55 Flight Control Room / FCR w/ men at console. Video from Endeavour (OV-105) of external tank drifting down over clouds after jettisoning. 05:11:36 FCR SOF of radio contact. CU Flight director & pans to room & back to engineers. Space Exploration; Flight; Science; Launching; 1990s; NOTE: Flight crew - Michael A Baker, Commander; Terrance W Wilcutt, Pilot; Thomas D Jones, Payload Commander; Peter J.K. Wisoff, Daniel W Bursch & Steven L Smith, Mission Specialists. NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes of 05:00:10 - 05:58:45 sold at per reel rate.