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Air Force Now (Civil Air Patrol - USAF Technical Training;

Reel Number: 221448-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980s

Country: USA

Location: randolph afb,Texas

TC Begins: 04:41:37

TC Ends: 04:59:35

Duration: 00:17:58

Civil Air Patrol - USAF Technical Training CU light plane landing, taxis to standstill on runway; pilot out & introduces AFN & Civil Air Patrol etc.. 04:42:20 Montage & Title: Air Force Now 04:43:00 Overhead of Civil Air Patrol light plane, pilot to cadets on ground. SOF function explained to camera. Aerospace Education program & summer workshops. Civilian teachers in classroom learning about aerodynamics. Cadet Program described by participant in uniform on airfield w/ light planes - cadet talks to camera. Cadets graduating to senior members. Search & Rescue function - emergency rescue exercise w/ briefing, light plane & truck searching for lost hiker. CUs hiker stumbling on rocks. 04:46:45 Plane spots hiker waving coat. Sheriff contacted for pick up. Rescuer lowered. Pilot re benefits of volunteering. 04:47:56 USAF recruits march at end of Basic Training. Montage: AF Technical Training science lab, firefighting, mechanic etc. 04:48:53 Night, Air Training Command HQ, Randolph AFB. Control room, classrooms. Recruits march past sign: Sheppard Technical Training Center. Various classroom scenes & hands-on training, maps, maintenance crews, dentistry, broadcasting. Instructors teaching & training. Hospital, electronics; guard dogs; dental technicians. 04:50:58 Project Warrior Title over Native American Indian riding horse in silhouette. 04:51:24 Stock footage of Paris Peace Conference Dec72 ext shots. 04:51:34 Operation Linebacker II 18-29Dec72. Christmas bombing, Vietnam War. Bombers in flight & on ground w/ 3 crew members interview in 1973: Reg Martin, Paul Winkler, Maj. John Dalton SOF on tarmac on their response to missions. Dalton & others in plane intercut telling about emergency landing in Thailand. AVs Vietnam & Night bombing. B-52 used in Linebacker II operation on show shortly afterwards. 04:53:52 27Jan73 Peace agreement signed by US & Vietnamese in Paris ending Vietnam War. CU document; 12Feb73 - first of captured PoWs released in Hanoi - off bus. End Project Warrior title. 04:54:31 Faucet dripping, coastal Florida scenes. RAF officer stationed at MacDill AFB interviewed on jetty - “I’m in no rush to get back to England”; part of instructor exchange program. SOF roll to introduce USAF recruits to British & vice versa. Pilots walking on tarmac. Student pilot re positive experience of flying w/ RAF officer. Briefing intercut w/ looking at planes. 04:56:35 Pilots w/ US & British helmets into fighter jets, along runway & in flight. INT cockpit of F-16, turns upside down - air to air F-16s. 04:58:34 RAF officer by piling, SOF. Aerial of planes, VO “...in order for NATO to work together effectively in wartime we’ve got to understand each other in peacetime”. 04:59:03 British family on beach at sunset. Presented by Your Air Force.

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