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Argentina ca Oct89 Workers Housing & Interviews; Agrobusiness Signs; Grain Mill; Hand Spraying

Reel Number: 221615-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1989,1980s,1990s

Country: Argentina

Location: Finca Capdevila

TC Begins: 16:49:20

TC Ends: 17:08:42

Duration: 00:19:22

Argentina ca Oct89 Workers Housing & Interviews; Agrobusiness Signs; Grain Mill; Hand Spraying Man & woman interviewed standing in front of red brick wall about how he faced death because of living close to the fields & breathing agricultural chemicals 16:53:28 Farm houses or village, pan across to workers housing w/ kids in yard, clothes on line, people under trees. Small kid wandering around. Men walking up road w/ large dead branches, kids play w/ dogs. Guys w/ branches talk to others by fence. MS of two-room shack; Truck on road; woman sweeping dirt yard. 16:56:50 Tractor pulling disc, tank on trailer & shed on wheels; followed by another tractor & ??. Pan over to shacks. 16:57:22 Same man as at beginning interviewed on road w/ worker housing behind. Points & explains that despite dangers the farmers keep spraying chemicals on their house & garden / yards. 16:59:26 Small building w/ painted sign on side: Agronomia Integral. 16:59:46 Hanging sign: Remedios para plantas - Hoechst. 16:59:55 Hanging sign: Fertilizantes Plaguicidas - BASF. 17:00:04 Logo for Agronomia Integral on wall of building. 17:00:15 H. Minnucci Cereales & Hijos de S.A.C.A.G. on large grain storage tanks at grain elevator. LS from across dirt road of complex. 17:02:05 - 17:02:18 Black 17:02:18 Man by water tank strapping on hand pumped backpack sprayer, walks off & along rows of beans beginning to climb tied sticks spraying. Repeat towards camera w/ spray blowing. Not wearing mask or gloves. CUs & LSs thru sticks. GOOD. 17:07:16 CU insecticide container: Tritumol Paration 100 w/ large skull & cross-bones. Container sitting on ground by edge of water storage tank. Poverty, Farm Labor; South America; Large Farms; 1980s; 1990s; Agricultural Chemicals; Insecticides; Poisons; Workers; Occupational Dangers; Hazards; 1989 (?); NOTE: Hoechst AG was a German chemicals then life-sciences company that became Aventis in 1999. Was boycotted against in mid-1990s because of pharmaceuticals.

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