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Atom And Biological Science

Reel Number: 221271-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1953

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:32:14

TC Ends: 10:42:58

Duration: 00:10:44

Atom And Biological Science Encyclopaedia Britannica Films CU Sign: Radiation Area - Film Badges Must Be Worn In This Area. View thru window of atomic energy lab where technician is handling large white rats Other men move parts of machinery & checked w/ geiger counter. Picking up metal cylinder from nuclear reactor w/ pole & grip; dropping into lead cyliinder & putting plug in top. 10:33:17 Chart showing alpha, beta, gamma & neutron. Gamma ray explained & effect on plants planted around a pole which gives them off. Woman at microscope; film of asexual reproduction of single cells. Geneticist using pipette to put culture solution into radiation chamber to check effect of gamma rays. Put into lead safe. Counting cell divisions under microscope. 10:35:22 Field of plants; corn around gamma ray tower released by cobalt iin pole. Indoor plant growth room. Scientist checking plants. Diagram showing genes bombarded by gamma rays. Corn chromosomes seen under microscope. Man & woman working in lab (brief shot). Corn in field. Man doing tracer study using carbon dioxide on algae. Special greenhouse w/ radioactive carbon dioxide pumped in. 10:38:17 Sheep eating in cages. Rats being put into container & measuring radioactive waste. Women doing other experiments w/ rats; testing blood by removing iron from sample. Lab technicians w/ machinery. Surgeon performing operation w/ nurses assisting. 10:40:12 Testing cancer treatment w/ rats. 10:40:34 Large cyclotron using deutrons. Diagram showing beaming onto rats tumor. Overhead w/ two technicians preparing the experiment. 10:41:20 Scientist using tongs to put bottle among lead blocks as he prepares a radiation treatment. Pushes cart away. Doctor & nurse preparing patient. Large machinery room of radiology work shop showing barriers for protection, remote control equipment & central control room. Technician taking water sample at outdoor pond or settling pool at atomic energy laboratory. 1950s; Atoms For Peace; Health; Medicine;

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