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Barriers And Passes R2 of 3

Reel Number: 221617-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1942,1943,1944,1945

Country: USA

Location: Arizona,California,Manzanar,Poston Center

TC Begins: 20:11:23

TC Ends: 20:22:15

Duration: 00:10:52

Barriers And Passes R2 of 3 Man shakes hands w/ two women in medical center. Town court or ?? Japanese-Americans voting. Singing around piano in recreation room. 20:11:51 Ext. Library w/ sign on barracks. Children reading, librarian. 20:11:58 Title: “Japanese-American doctors, nurses... Int. of barrack hospital, patients in beds. Operating room & surgery underway. Dentist w/ patient; lab technician; baby in crib. New born. 20:12:40 Title: “Student nurses plan to be graduate nurses some day.” Around hospital bed w/ supervising nurse. “...teachers in a public school system...” American flag over school house, teachers & young students outside. “Equipment...below standard...children...without contact w/ Caucasians... Teacher in front of classroom at blackboard. “...dimes go for War Savings Stamps instead of candy.” 20:13:27 Kids in classroom raising hands, waving; place savings stamps; outdoors on dirt basketball court. 20:13:45 Title: “Did you ask...race prejudice?” Unloading lumber from truck, assembling roof timbers. Students in high school between classes; in class. 20:14:30 Title: “Do you know your “trig” better... Girl doing math on blackboard; boy building cabinet. “What about the Issei... Adults in class; write on blackboard. “Parents seem eager for children...excel in sports.” High angle football game, dirt field w/ barracks around. Baseball game on dirt, watching families. Tennis courts, volleyball. Int. basketball game. Weight lifting, training. 20:15:56 Title: “Swimming classes... Kids swimming in dirty water, diving. “Perhaps...girls will soon be WACS. WACS & girls out of barrack. “Fine arts, nature...thrive. Piano, painting, elaborate carving; poster & science exhibit. CU scorpions. 20:16:54 Title: Free press... Ext. hanging sign “Office of Reports Free Press” CU Manzanar Free Press newspaper. “Only one Japanese orphanage in United States...” Many, kids play on teeter totter; down slide, on swings. CUs Eating, at table. Babies playing in cribs, CUs. 20:16:55 Title: “Home life in a barracks... Couple w/ baby in living room. 20:18:25 Title: “Here they entertain their sons home on furlough... Family talking; interior shots. “...have planted flowers...” Plants outside barracks, Manazanar; kids playing. Japanese garden. 20:19:12 Title: “How loyal are these Japanese Americans... “Consider the guayule plant...source of natural rubber. Man in field. “...guayule on an experimental basis at Manzanar... Man w/ plant, CUs of flower. “...a new method...more rubber... Man in lab. CU plants, ground up, solution. “...equipment...automobile parts.” Man using w/ CUs making rubber. Rubber demonstrated. “With no thought of personal gain...” Man in lab. 20:21:04 Title: “When the flag at Poston Center comes down... Flag folding ceremony. Tanks parade; 442nd Division Japanese-American troops obstacle course training. WWII USA Homefront; WW2 Incarceration; Ethnic; Enemy; Enemies; Injustice; Farming; Agriculture; Patriotism;

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