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Choose To LIve R2 of 2

Reel Number: 221309-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: USA

Location: DC,Washington

TC Begins: 15:20:15

TC Ends: 15:29:33

Duration: 00:09:18

Choose To Live R2 of 2 Surgeon-General Thomas Parran at podium discusses radium treatment; montage of technicians working w/ radium in lab, transferring to treatment room in metal trolley; female radiologist w/ machine above patient’s bed; radon gas extraction. Women in waiting room of cancer clinic. “Cancer is not contagious”. VS patients at cancer clinic having tests. 15:23:54 Doctor points to chart w/ potential cancer symptoms. Women’s Field Army cancer control meeting; CU vars advice leaflets. 15:26:02 Housewife Mrs Brown at doctor’s office; “If it hadn’t been for that meeting I should never had the courage to come here”. VS Mrs Brown on hospital bed for tests; diagnostics in lab; surgeons operate; patient leaves hospital, greeted by husband and children, returns home and enlists in Women’s Field Army. Director of American Society for Control of Cancer, CC Little, speaks to camera; “I will fight cancer in my own life and wherever I may meet it”. Medical science; Animal testing; Research; Disease;

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