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Choose To Live Cancer

Reel Number: 221049-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940

Country: USA

Location: DC,Washington

TC Begins: 19:29:47

TC Ends: 19:37:34

Duration: 00:07:47

Choose To Live Cancer EXT US Public Health Service building, Washington. MCU Surgeon-General Thomas Parran talks over montage of everyday US life, construction workers, farming, women on switchboard w/ statistic ‘1 out of every 10 dies of cancer’. 19:30:57 Dramatisation of woman’s experience w/ cancer; family around table; sees children off to school, kisses husband; housework, picks up notepad; CU ‘Club Meeting 2.30 Thursday’. 19:32:11 VS doctor addressing women’s club re: cancer, housewife Mrs Brown in audience; “...at least a third of those who die of cancer could be saved if they started treatment early enough...50,000 needless deaths a year”. Montage of technicians performing medical research in labs. 19:33:54 Mice removed from boxes on shelf, injected by technicians. EXT National Institute of Health and National Cancer Institute; Dr Karl Btergman. EXT Congress; CU bill signed by Roosevelt designating one month each year as Cancer Control Month. VS surgeons at work; MCU women on hospital beds having x-rays taken. Medical science. Animal testing.

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