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Electrostatics (Second Edition)

Reel Number: 221674-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:10:30

TC Ends: 06:21:11

Duration: 00:10:41

Title. 06:10:52 Scientist in laboratory producing static electricity w/ hand cranked generator wheel - electrostatics. 06:11:02 Lab experiment w/ hanging spheres - touched w/ glass rod rubbed on silk, & resin rod rubbed on cat’s fur - differing attraction & repulsion. Vitreous & resinous electricity created. Positive & negative. 06:15:18 Experiment w/ metal objects used as conductors. Measuring charges w/ gold leaf electroscope - animation showing electrometer w/ charges. 06:18:54 Lightning. (GOOD). 06:18:59 Animation explaining how a thunder storm works - positive & negative charges. 06:20:45 Hand cranked generator & arcing. INT electricity station. Men working. The End. Science - Physics; Electricity; Grounding; Educational Films; 1950s;

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