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Eruption of Kilauea 1959-1960, The

Reel Number: 221677-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1959-1961

Country: USA

Location: Hawaii,Kilauea

TC Begins: 12:00:10

TC Ends: 12:26:18

Duration: 00:26:08

The Eruption of Kilauea 1959-1960 US Geological Survey No titles Map of Hawaiian Islands showing volcano Kilauea. Animated cross section diagram of area showing Kilauea Iki eruption of Nov-Dec59 & secondary eruption Jan-Feb60. 12:02:26 CU seismograph. Night shots of lava flows & fissures in crater walls. Eruption at sunrise shown - fountain of lava - lava pouring down wooded slopes. CU seismograph. 12:05:17 Dramatic shots scientists of Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory collect gas at base of volcano, lava flow in BG. CUs lava flows, rapids & falls winding down through valley. Lava spraying debris into air. 12:08:33 Pan across volcanic landscape during lull in eruption. Aerial view 800ft lava fountains. Second fountain erupts. Lava falling into lake. Night shots - lava waves wash up on crater wall - solid crust of lava lake re-forming - lake cooling at night. Fires at edge of lake - gasses exploding. 12:14:40 People watch eruption from Hawaiian Volcano Observatory two miles away - black smoke in sky. Lava draining away into vent - night shots. Yellow crust formed from gasses. Dead trees & road sign sticking up through layer of black pumice. Map of earthquake zone. Scientist w/ truck-mounted seismograph determining location of second eruption Jan60. Populated area w/ farming villages. 12:17:17 Village of Kopoho evacuated - cars in main street - people look at chasm running thru village caused by earthquake. Flank eruptions at night; lava flow through farmland near village. Scientists measure lava fountains next morning. Clouds of ash-laden steam pour from vent; CUs steam blasts. Aerial view river of lava. 12:20:37 Flow reaches sea - huge white clouds of steam. Lava flow builds up new land into sea. Subsidiary flows push thru papaya grove outside Kopoho. 12:23:23 Village buildings burning. Visitors watching lava fountains. Aerials. Cinder jet spraying into air as eruption dies down. Pan across devastated countryside after eruption stopped on 18Feb60. VO re land recovering - grove of papaya trees & cultivated orchids growing in pumice one year after eruption. Science; Volcanology; Natural Disasters; Geology; Geography;

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