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Fundamentals of Acoustics (Second Edition)

Reel Number: 221201-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: USA


TC Begins: 20:20:15

TC Ends: 20:30:39

Duration: 00:10:24

Fundamentals of Acoustics (Second Edition) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Symphony orchestra playing rousing tune. Examples w/ VO explaining sound waves - 20:21:13 Pebble thrown into pond; quarry dynamited w/ sound slower than light/image itself. Animated diagram of echoes, narrator’s voice distorted to show effect of room size on sound quality. Oscilloscope records sound of woodwind instruments, traffic noise. 20:24:43 Animated diagram of human ear drum & nerve impulses to brain. Graph showing range of human hearing & audible frequency. Boys choir singing intercut w/ oscilloscope. Audio oscillator w/ technician turning dials. 30K cycle shown on screen. 20:29:28 Use of sonar, explosion near boat at sea; supersonic jet take off. Anachoic chamber to absorb nearly all sound waves used for acoustical research; scientist / engineer testing equipment in room lined w/ cone-shaped padding. Orchestra. Science; Biology; Laboratory; Anatomy; Physics; Abstratct Patterns;

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