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How To Make Hand-Made Lantern Slides

Reel Number: 221404-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947

Country: USA

Location: Indiana

TC Begins: 05:59:38

TC Ends: 06:19:48

Duration: 00:20:10

How To Make Hand-Made Lantern Slides (main title missing) Audio-Visual Center, Indiana University 05:59:39 Woman behind desk holds up six different types of lantern slide used as educational aid. CUs showing how to make various types of slide. Silhouette slides, cutting out shape, gluing to glass slide, cover & bind. MCUs fo finished slides using cellophane to tint. 06:02:18 Tracing picture from book w/ ceramic pencil onto glass. Using flat objects in hinged binding to make slides. 06:03:22 Elementary female teacher opens file marked Social Studies full of pictures to select for slide ideas. Etched glass slide; slide checked in machine, extra shading added. CUs. 06:06:05 Coloring slide on home-made lightbox - color crayons sharpened on sandpaper. Binding slide w/ tape. 06:08:41 Male high school teacher behind desk traces diagram onto plastic slide - filled in w/ inking pen. Coloring w/ slide ink & India ink on slide paper. Drawing or tracing US map. 06:13:16 Man typing onto cellophane slide in typewriter. 06:15:19 Male science teacher at front of class w/ young boy showing how to prepare gelatin slide. Teacher traces diagram onto gelatin slide w/ India ink & fine pointed pen after coating. 06:18:20 Girl making etched glass slides for project on flower arranging. Young kids around table make slides; CUs increasingly detailed colored lantern slides. The End. Teaching Aids; Art; Handcrafts; Communication; Illustrations; Illustrating; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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