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International Zone: What Do You Know Pt 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221657-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1963,1960s

Country: USA

Location: New York City,NYC

TC Begins: 22:40:18

TC Ends: 22:55:13

Duration: 00:14:55

International Zone: What Do You Know Part 2 of 2 Continued... Charles Edosion (sp?) head of Nigeria’s Ibadan Medical School & Teaching Hospital talks of costs of medicine in Africa. 22:42:21 Science writers Gerald Wendt, Peter Collins & Tibor Mende discussing solutions from the sea: seaweed, desalination, salt resistant plants. Uses of science for benefit of all rather than the rich richer & the application of science for all; also integrating various disciplines & users. 22:45:56 Cooke talking about people talking about nature of change. 22:46:15 Walsh McDermott. & various people talk about developing people to have power to change & solve problems. 22:46:48 Unid. French man. 22:47:06 Leo Szilard?; PMS Blackett; Unid. man reading papers. 22:48:58 Margaret Mead speaking about changing cultures, family as a unit of change. 22:50:13 Walsh McDermott. 22:51:28 Chairman of conference talks w/ ?? summing up conference. 22:53:18 Alistair Cooke summarises w/ various statistics including 93% of all the scientists that have ever lived are alive today. 22:54:37 Closing Credits Human Civilization; Education; Poverty; Third World Development; Planning; Poverty; Wealth Related; Globalisation; United Nations Science Conference; 1963;

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