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Israel (Weather, various locations; Water Flow Studies on Mississippi River)

Reel Number: 221462-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1950

Country: Gibraltar,Israel,Spain,USA

Location: Mississippi,vicksburg

TC Begins: 09:02:50

TC Ends: 09:05:57

Duration: 00:03:07

Title: Israel (Weather, various locations; Water Flow Studies on Mississippi River) 09:02:55 Israel. Seawall w/ trees blowing, waves in. Flooding w/ people thru water in carts, bicycles, crossing makeshift bridge across street. Swish pan... 09:03:21 Gibraltar &/or Spain. Waves blowing against jetty. Dock w/ boat tied up. People on hillside blown about. Policeman helping woman across street. Pedestrians running pushed by the wind. More walking & blown about. Ropes along edge of sidewalks. Swish pan... 09:04:14 Views of heavy floodwaters thru & over dike; POV past flooded houses. 09:04:29 CU sign: Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (Vicksburg, Mississippi). Interior w/ working model of reservoirs & waterways. Large model of spillway w/ man watching, adjusting. Man standing pointing at large model of snaking river w/ many ox-bows. Monitoring & adjusting flow into working model. Checking measuring instruments. Weather; Winds; Water; Science; Scientific Studies;

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