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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280101-19
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: United Kingdom,USA
Location: dayton,Illinois,Murphy,North Carolina,Ohio,Winnetka,Wright Field
TC Begins: 02:29:05
TC Ends: 02:33:06
Duration: 00:04:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: Botany - Stop-motion photography aids botanical research... 02:29:18 John Ott, Jr. beside electronic control board plugging in cables for lights & cameras to film plants; shutters closing & lights on & single-frame pictures taken. CU flowers opening. 02:29:57 Ott looking into viewfinder adjusting ?? CU cactus blossom opening & closing. 02:30:19 Ott changing camera lens; CU hibiscus opening & partially closing. 02:30:33 Title: Religion - ...gigantic shrine is dedicated to The Ten Commandments. 02:30:45 LS people opposite hillside w/ lettering of Ten Commandments lined up & walking up steps through arch w/ sign overhead: Commandments. MCU men in suits carrying granite stones on shoulders; placing stones engraved w/ their church names & towns for having donated to the project. 02:31:13 Black & White people kneeling in prayer; CUs. walking up steps to shrine. LS people walking across hillside by six foot high letters. 02:31:27 Title: Aviation - The Air Force planes which help keep America strong. 02:31:39 Crowd in grandstand at Wright Field watch B-47 w/ jet-assist / JATO take off; landing w/ parachute brake. Douglas C-124 cargo plane & infantry running out of front. Latest B-36 taking off. 1951; Science; Hobby; Oddities; Evangelical Faith; Integration; Mliitary Aviation Promotion; NOTE: Dr. John Nash Ott, 23Oct09 - 12Apr2000, work used Walt Disney’s Secrets of Life (1956) & others; wrote book My Ivory Cellar (1958) & others. See Wikipedia entry for more information. NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: