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Margaret Mead Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221565-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1975

Country: New Guinea,Papua,Samoa,USA

Location: Samoa

TC Begins: 03:32:13

TC Ends: 04:01:03

Duration: 00:28:50

Margaret Mead talking across desk, SOF talks about how anthropology has changed. 03:32:41 Samoa footage of children playing. Mead in youth w/ villagers. 03:33:49 Talks of early days needing to rescue vanishing cultures & what it meant; talks about disappearing languages. Still of Mead & Samoan adolescent girl. 03:36:28 Mead looking at displays at Museum of Natural history; in work area. Talks of importance of museums. People looking at exhibits. 03:36:20 Sitting outdoors talking about rejection of anthropologists by emerging nations; need on-going assessment of cultures. 03:40:14 Talking about wanting to reorganize social sciences so they would be interdependent rather than parallel - a Human Science. Talking about scientists being snobs; vested interests control things to make things rigid. 03:45:03 Outdoors talking about people belief in the nuclear family; not viable. Societies often don’t have romantic love. Talks about people having lived in communities previously; when move to city it changes. Old people, women left behind. 03:48:25 Talking about people being kept in boxes; isolation. 03:49:04 Mead playing w/ her young daughter. Talks about being a mother & distortion of observation. 03:51:40 Need to save the planet. Avoid doing things that wreck segments of the world. US has environmental impact statement; and in other countries. Need an international impact statement to cover oceans etc. before action is taken. 03:53:42 Science of futurology; need University chairs study of the future. Talks about growth of waste since WWII; quickly changed to affluence. 03:56:10 Technologically under-developed countries. Population growing too fast; people too poor will continue to have children for survival. 03:58:20 People don’t think about themselves as much as others unless when abroad, at war, or thinking about our past, or thinking about the future. 03:59:53 Mead walking along country lane w/ staff & cape w/ voice over talking about how glad she has been to live during the time that she’s lived. Film Lecture; 1975; 1970s; Ideals; Hopes; Anthropology; Sociology; Social Scientists; Professor; Hero; Leader; Life History; Analysis;

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