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Microscopic Wonders In Water

Reel Number: 221404-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1953

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:58:01

TC Ends: 07:08:27

Duration: 00:10:26

Microscopic Wonders In Water Pat Dowling Pictures Mountain scenes, snow melting into stream w/ ducks. Forest w/ elk, waterfall. Boy collects jar of pond water. 06:59:06 INT boy puts various drops of pond water on slides under microscope; CU thru microscope: amoeba traveling w/ false foot; other single-cell microscopic creatures, Vorticella shown w/ plant life. 07:02:19 Boy consults textbook to identify ‘stentor creature.’ Uricentrum moving quickly under microscope - boy dusts slide w/ solution to slow down creatures. 07:03:49 CU protozoa splitting in two. More complex organisms - Hydra w/ tentacles. Rotifer consuming protozoans. 07:06:44 Snail eggs thru microscope w/ heart beating. Boy puts straw in glass of water & leaves to cultivate new creatures. Nature; Wildlife; Science Laboratory; Educational Films; Hobby; 1950s; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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