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NASA at Work - 1973

Reel Number: 220532-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1973

Country: USA

Location: California,Cleveland,Moon,Outer Space

TC Begins: 06:40:55

TC Ends: 06:58:01

Duration: 00:17:06

Montage: space walk; high altitude plane etc. 06:41:13 Aeronautics And Space 1973 06:41:20 Title: Man in Space. Skylab launch & in orbit. Designers w/ heat deflector in lab - sunshade in place on Skylab as orbiting earth beneath. Int. Skylab, astronauts living conditions. Sun, solar flares. Astronauts collecting data: weather, geology. Arabella, the space spider & web spun in absence of gravity. Small fish also being studied. Astronaut using backpack to move around. 06:43:34 American astronauts & Russian Cosmonauts training for joint mission. Animation of proposed docking. Artists impression of Space Shuttle. Model in wind tunnel. Booster rockets. 06:44:39 X-24B dropped from plane & landing. 06:44:52 Title: Pioneer to Jupiter - Artists concept & animation of asteroid belt. Planet Jupiter. 06:45:28 Title: Mariner to Venus / Mercury. Animation of mariner trip past Venus to Mercury. 06:46:04 Title: Radio Astronomy Explorer. Technicians w/ Radio Explorer satellite, Kennedy Space Center. This will explore the sources of low frequency radio noise in our galaxy & beyond. Launch. 06:46:28 Title: To Mars. Preparation of Viking, testing footing. Scientists in lab & chemistry experiment. 06.46:56 Title: Sounding rockets. Rocket launched - rockets to explore Earth’s atmosphere below satellite orbit & above area where balloons return data. 06:47:19 Title: Comet Kohoutek. Graphic of course of Kohoutek. Telescope / observatory. Aircraft in flight. 06:48:05 Title: Earth Resources. Photographs of different parts of America taken from Earth Resources Technology Satellite. Scientists study data. Montage of uses of data: agricultural, weather, geology, ecology. Remote sensing station to monitor conditions for forest fires to occur. Telephone, trucks leave station. Forest fire blazing. High Altitude U-2 Earth survey plane - take off & in flight. Information relayed to California Forestry HQ in Sacramento by pictures. 06:50:04 Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio Reconnaissance plane take ice maps of Great Lakes. Coast guard helicopters w/ radar to detect ice thickness. Helicopter on ice, men taking samples. 06:50:54 Title: Aeronautics. Montage of aircraft. Man in flight simulator. Helicopter in flight. Small executive plane. Research into jet turbulence in wind tunnels; passengers in flight simulator undergoing turbulence. 06:52:42 US Army flying crane helicopter picking up large army truck. Scientists working on developing new composite material for helicopter. New way of testing planes - model is taken to altitude by large aircraft & dropped, pilot sitting on ground in remote control simulator using cameras - performs maneuvers. After test model is lowered to ground by parachute which is caught mid air by helicopter. GOOD. 06:54:19 Aerials of test flight of YF-12 plane in flight & landing. 06:54:50 Montage wrap up w/ montage of images. 06:55:15 Lynn Bondurant wraps up 1973. Introduces 1974-1976 Episode 9. Space Exploration History; Promotional Film;

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