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Nature Of Light (main title missing)

Reel Number: 221275-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA


TC Begins: 02:21:43

TC Ends: 02:29:27

Duration: 00:07:44

Nature Of Light (main title missing); Boys fishing in early morning at mountain lake; daylight comes. Ripples of lake after boy casting for fish turns into animation showing how light waves move. Water reflecting light; patterns. Boy thinking while fishing. 02:23:18 Boys back to large tent w/ fishing creels & poles. They do experiment w/ reflective light inside the tent. Intertitle explains angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection. Curved mirrors & effects shown. 02:24:32 Little girl in front of trick mirror distorting image. Reflector shown & its effect for photographic lights. 02:25:12 Effect of prism, refraction demonstrated. Then w/ actual prism 02:25:46 Boys in rowboat & refraction w/ oar in water. Boy catches fish & reels in small fish. Boys in tent look at lens in tent & effect is described. Camera shown in diagram as to how image forms onto film via the lens. 02:27:20 Boys in darkroom w/ enlarger. 02:28:04 Diagram of eye & lens to correct. Binocular; microscope being used. Observatory telescope. 02:28:36 Night lights & signs w/ traffic. 16mm movie projector. Summary w/ mountain silhouetted against sunset or sunrise. Science; Optics; Physics; Educational Films; 1940s; Camping Trip;

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