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News In Brief - Illinois (Argonne Atomic Tests On Food, Aug56)

Reel Number: 221600-49

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1956

Country: USA

Location: Argonne National Laboratory,Illinois

TC Begins: 10:20:51

TC Ends: 10:21:40

Duration: 00:00:49

News In Brief - Illinois 10:20:56 Int. Argonne National laboratory. Electron Beam generators tested for food preservation. Men assemble stacks of cans (?) & put into tubes, lowered into water of atomic pile. 10:21:21 Samples moving beneath radiation beam. CU of bread slices passing beneath. Technician holds irradiated slice next to moldy slice. Foods Testing; Experimentation; Science; Aug56; Gamma Gun;

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