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President Carter on 10th Anniversary of Lunar Landing, 20Jul79, w/ astronauts at White House R2 of 2

Reel Number: 221362-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1979

Country: USA

Location: White House South Lawn

TC Begins: 19:10:12

TC Ends: 19:20:51

Duration: 00:10:39

President Carter on 10th Anniversary of Lunar Landing, 20Jul79, w/ astronauts at White House 19:10:12 (SOF) Carter out & shakes hands w/ John Glen & other astronauts. Mike Collins, Buzz Aldrin & Neil Armstrong who presents framed flag that was on the first moon flight. Applause. 19:12:02 Carter SOF: “This 10th anniversary even is a great moment... “..today we face an equally challenging goal in fighting for energy security. Like the Apollo Mission it is a test of our nations resources & our spirit as a people. We will win energy security for our nation in the same way we won the race to the moon: we will marshall the unequalled technological & scientific capacity of the American people; we will draw upon our vast & abundant natural resources, & we will unite as a people in our determination to preserve our freedom & our independence as a Nation...” “I am also determined to maintain America’s leadership in Space. The first great era of Space exploration is about over...but the second...when we harvest the benefits... (Browning) Man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a heaven for.” 19:17:57 Astronauts introduce their families to Carter. Technology; Science Research; Exploration; Explorers;

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