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Rutherford Atom, The

Reel Number: 221167-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1961

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:24:35

TC Ends: 11:04:16

Duration: 00:39:41

The Rutherford Atom Educational Services, Inc. Very dry & technical science film. CU alpha particle extraction inside cloud chamber - ionisation. 10:25:21 Lecturer introduces film in front of periodic table wallchart - “today we’re going to see how Ernest Rutherford used alpha particules to investigate the structure of the atom...” 10:26:16 CU cloud chamber w/ radioactive polonium giving off tracks. Gold foil placed across - reduces range of tracks. 10:28:35 Presenter draws diagram re Geiger’s experiment. Polonium source connected to oscilloscope & amplifier - experiment carried out with and without gold foil. 10:35:45 Experiment w/ ball bearings in relation to Marsden’s findings showing tracks across paper. 10:38:16 Giant atom models hanging from wall - presenter screws one up into small ball to show emptiness of the atom. Collision tests - magnetic, hard sphere & electrostatic - Vandergraf generator. 10:44:17 3-D model of atom showing particle trajectories & deflections in hemisphere. 10:53:54 Presenter sits down to draw graph. 11:01:58 1mm point of light stuck in wall to represent atomic nucleus - camera pulls back to show size of atom by ratio of electron to size of atom. 11:03:53 End credits - Technical Assistance by Cyclotron Laboratory, University of Illinois and Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Research Laboratory of Electronics & Radiological Safety Laboratory. Physics; Labs; Scientific Experiments; Investigations; Physical World; Atomic Energy; Scientists

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