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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221322-32
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988
Country: USA
TC Begins: 00:36:06
TC Ends: 00:47:14
Duration: 00:11:08
Satellite File #247: Science In America Pt. 2 of 5 Photographs of hair styles on various models. Woman sitting in front of video camera next to Macintosh computer work station & hair dresser who overlays hair styles on face. CU fingers typing on Mac keyboard (SOF). Photos & sketches, manipulating them on computer. Taking picture (SOF) & manipulating. 00:37:49 Male stylist speaks to camera (SOF), explains it shows what a hair style will actually look like on the customer; as opposed to just showing them a picture in a magaznie. 00:38:11 Customer w/ finished hair. Printing of picture by computer. 00:38:27 Cryogenics: Preserving Life By Freezing. Montage of vapors from liquid nitrogen; pouring in container; electrothermometer -05.0; face behind ice; dial instrument; fingers pointing out wavy line printed on graph “that’s a heart beat”; dripping moisture; wrapped body put into metal container for freezing; workers in cold storage room. 00:39:17 Doctors in masks w/ body; CU bearded man’s face; other frozen wrapped bodies. 00:39:41 Woman w/ frost bitten feet, or gangrene & toes removed & putting on sox. “It was a miracle I lived”. 00:39:59 CU frog. Elderly man lifting weights. SOF “I believe that the whole purpose of life is to achieve ever higher & higher & more rewarding states of mind & being... Loading frozen body into baggage container at airport. CU man: “As soon as the doctor says I give up that’s when we say we don’t & we start.” Packing ice around body & putting into bag. 00:41:00 -- 00:41:37 Mike Douglas Show. No rights. 00:41:37 Freezing of hamster in ice & liquid nitrogen. Doctor: “ way you can get a functioning organ after ice forms throughout the tissues”. Various laboratory scenes. 00:42:53 Walking Analysis Laboratory. Doctor measuring & attaching electrodes. Woman describes ability to now walk. Shown in laboratory walking. Doctor talks about why gait analysis is useful. Computer printout monitoring walk. Model of leg joint. CAD or computer assisted designing shown on monitor. 00:44:55 Importance of Fluoride In Water. Shelves of bottled distilled & puriifide water. Woman & daughter talking about drinking bottled water & lack of fluoride. Dental technician talks of need for fluoride at developmental stage. CU of bad teeth. Children given fluoride. Brushing teeth. Technology; Early Apple computers; Beauty Industry; Life preservation; Death; Future; Research; Medicine; Body;