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Solar System, The

Reel Number: 221318-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1951

Country: USA


TC Begins: 11:21:20

TC Ends: 11:31:35

Duration: 00:10:15

The Solar System Coronet Instructional Film 11:21:39 Boys look thru telescope; CU moon. SoF “It looks just like the pictures in our science book....” 11:22:28 Boy talking to teacher: “Just how much is a million miles...” Puts scale on blackboard & sets up planets in scale w/ weather balloon as sun. Tiny planets pointed out. 11:25:28 Laying out solar system distances w/ markers on football field, Mercury 36 yards, Venus 67 yard, 93 yards earth proportional to weather balloon as sun. 11:27:01 Drawing showing where other planets would be: Mars 141 yards, Jupiter 500 yards, Saturn 1/2 mile away,etc. 11:28:10 Students & teacher on football field picking up markers; back into classroom. “What keeps the planets moving around the sun?” Uses magnet to show when a metal ball rolled past it curves. “So everything is in balance?” 11:29:39 Opens book of star maps. Boys set up telescope, picture of Saturn. Look at pictures in science book w/ close-ups of moon, planets, comets. Scientific Questions; Junior High School Students; Educational Films; Projects; Universe;

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